Feb says hi👋
Like I said in the first episode, the Motivationals that I'd be doing here are directed firstly to me and myself. So, take these words from a damsel who is almost always tongue-tied around the objects of her deepest affection...😜
Apply these words and lead a super fulfilling life, or should I say, super fulloving life, devoid of 'what ifs' and 'what woulds'. Don't you worry about me, I'll be alright...🤗
Let Them Know
I understand that it's sometimes scary to tell someone your true feelings because you may not have any idea how they feel about you and how they would react, but the truth remains that you'd never know if you never try. What if the feeling is mutual? Well, you'll never know until you tell them how you feel about them. It may not be easy because most of us are afraid of rejections and heartbreaks, but you know what I consider more fearful? The fact that you get to spend the rest of your life wondering:
"What if I had talked to him?"
"What if s/he likes me?"
"What if I didn't dodge her...?"
So many "What if"s.
Tell them what you feel. Show them. It doesn't make you weak or vulnerable. It makes you human.
It hurts, very much, I must add, when you take the risk and shoot that shot and s/he doesn't feel the same way. It hurts even more, when they make that known to you in the most hostile manner. It pierces the heart, that they don't reject you outright, but go ahead to befriend you and have you watch them be with someone else what you'd rather be with them. In that case, let yourself feel the pain and give yourself some credit for being brave enough to tell someone your genuine feelings. Don't regret it. It's very much worth telling because real feelings don't come so easily, and it's a precious thing when it happens.
Delay is dangerous. Don't let fear of the unknown stop you from telling someone your true feelings. Save your time and energy: tell them. Save them for yourself because you know what they say: "A closed mouth is a closed destiny." Do your part, voice your feelings. Better an I-tried-but-it-didn't-work-out story, than that of I-shoulda-coulda-woulda. Tell them first, then if it doesn't work out, you'll know that it wasn't meant to be. I don't know about you but I'd rather be in the know than spend the rest of my life in wonder land. Even Alice had to leave at some point, why don't you?
There's no sugarcoating how much it hurts when your love is unrequited, but the pain cannot be worse than what goes with endless wonder.
You only live once. You shouldn't spend the short while you have here wondering what could have been. Summon some courage. Follow your heart. It's okay to be scared. But should we wallow in utmost fear that love eludes us? Mba! Chineke ekwela!! Overcome your fears and watch your life become more meaningful. Go for it!!!
We'll wrap this up with some lines from a great poet/philosopher:👇
Is even love too weak
To unlock the heart
And let it speak?
Are even lovers powerless
To reveal to one another
What indeed they feel?
I knew the mass of men concealed their thoughts
For fear that if revealed
They would by other men be met
With blank indifference,
Or with blame reproved;
I knew they lived and moved
Tricked in disguises,
Alien to the rest of men
And alien to themselves;
And yet the same heart
Beats in every human breast!
But we, my love!
Doth a like spell benumb
Our hearts, our voices?
Must we too be dumb?
Well, for us,
We, even for a moment,
Can free our hearts
And have our lips unchained;
For that which seals them
Hath been deep ordained!"
Adapted from The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold
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