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Monday, January 20, 2020


Haya pals😉😘😍

Okay, someone very close to me inspired this post. I'm tired of preaching mefulness to her so I came to vent on here. If you feel attacked, please do the needful. Stop being unfortunate please🙏ejọọ🙏🙏mbok🙏🙏🙏 

Wallow in self love and end your misery. Do it now!! It is very mkpacious!!! 


When you hear people say stuff about you and you go out of your way, sacrifice who you are, assume a miserable existence, and spend the rest of your self-induced woebegone life trying to explain how smart it was of you to make the miserable decision to live in perpetual self denial because of what they said in order to prove them wrong, then maybe what they said about you was just about right; the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

So why don't you just get up and shake off this misery that you've so immersed yourself in, own this truth with the fullness of your chest, and stop being unfortunate? 

What are you afraid of? Eh?? 
So they said that you're suffering from acute sendlessness (for instance) and you know it's the truth about you and you used to be okay with it o, but because they said it with such disapproving tone, you change and become a ferocious face seeker, a pitiable people pleaser, and an ass licker most lowly; when you're supposed to own your sickness and only use the hospital when you and you alone start to feel uncomfortable on its account??? Ekenekwaa m gị! 

If you like, don't be very me-ful of yourself henceforth, you hear? Sacrifice your entire life trying to please insatiable parasitic humans who do not care about you, who do NOT and have NEVER done anything selfless for you, and whose opinions shouldn't even count in the first place; until your dying day when they'll quickly drop you in the most despicable manner and move the hell on to the very next available host...

If you like, spend the remaining days of the year trying to please every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Enekwana onwe gị anya this year, ị nụ? Taba afụfụ ụwa! I just dey look you anya anya. Ọ gbasaadị m sef🙄🙄🙄

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